He added them to the genre collection along with his students' work. The student collections from Sorenson and Cheney were given to Wilson and
Two other BYU professors who had their students collect folklore: John Sorenson and Also included in the BYU genre collection were items from Wilson had his students collect folklore usingīoth genre collections and major project (focused) collections. Same time (1967) at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, Professor William A. The information on the cards has now been transferred to 8 ½ xġ1 sheets of paper and the items have been added to the genre collection. In the late 1960s, folklore courses were first taught at USU by Professor Austin Fife.Īt this time, Fife (a French professor) had his students collect items of folklore on Group 9: e-lore: electronically transmitted folklore (Xerox, facsimile and e-mail).Supernatural non-religious (boxes 7-12), and supernatural religious (boxes 1-6) Group 7: legends: character (boxes 15-16), contemporary (boxes 20-27), etiological (boxes 17-19), human condition (boxes 13-14.2),.The collection is separated into nine groups: Since, 1999 genre items also include release forms. The items of folklore are in text form on 8 ½ x 11 sheets of Include informant data, context, text (the folklore item), texture (stylistic notation),Īnd collector data. Late 1960s to the present and folklore items collected by undergraduate students inīrigham Young University folklore and anthropology classes during 1960-1978. The Fife Folklore Archives Student Folklore Genre Collection consists of folklore itemsĬollected by undergraduate students in Utah State University folklore classes from the